For my independent reading book I chose Not Without Hope by Nick Schuyler. So far I have read forty seven pages. The genre of this book is adventure and mystery. This book was published in 2010. In the beginning of the book we meet Marquis Cooper who loves to fish and be on the water. He wants to take his three friends with him out on the water. Marquis was twenty-six and had been drafted by the Tampa Bay Raiders. Corey Smith is an unique athlete, drafted by the Buccaneers in 2004 and worked harder than any player on the field and in the gym. Nick Schuyler (who is telling the story) was twenty four. Will Beakley also is aboard the crew twenty five years old, 6’2, 239 lbs. Will has a degree in finance and accounting, but lost his job in the…
The first thing that readers and critics usually notice about Douglas Adams's novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, is that the book, written in a sharp and witty style, is remarkably funny. What may seem less obvious to readers, and what has often puzzled critics, is the meaning behind this light, clever exterior. David Leon Higdon has noted that imagining the end of the world has long been a tradition in science fiction, as it has been in myth and theology; and Brian Aldiss has observed the tremendous impact that the invention of bombs, which could conceivably cause the end of the world, have had on science fiction and science fiction writers. But while Adams's book does describe the destruction of the earth, his humorous, irreverent treatment of this subject does not fit neatly into the traditions described by Aldiss and Higdon.…
Sometimes in literature authors display underlying themes or messages. This is shown in Night by ellie wiesel and his appalling experience. In this essay we will idetntify and elaborate on these instances exhibited throughout novel. One theme displayed by wiesel is hope. This is shown by Ellie himself,ellie always had hope that he might get saved, which contibuted to his survival.…
Victor Kelleher’s Taronga and Roland Emmerich’s 2012 reveals to the reader and viewer what could happen if there was a nuclear holocaust or destruction of our environment. We get a clear illustration of man’s reaction in times of devastation. Though both are fictitious we are affected by the chilling possibility of it becoming a reality.…
In short, in “Cheer up, it’s just the end of the world,” Ira Chernus discusses that an apocalypse is a genuine ongoing threat today. Since biblical times, apocalyptic stories always begin with the fact that the end is near; then, after the world ends, a new one will arise. Some apocalyptic ideas suggest that the world will end abruptly, while other ideas suggest a slow approach. Chernus adds that some ideas of apocalypses have shifted from “’the end of everything,’" to “’the end of anything’” (Chernus 19-21). Overall, Chernus identifies the issues caused by unrealistic ideas of apocalypses, such as “’psychic numbing’” (Chernus 19-21), and he stresses the importance of identifying real apocalyptic threats, such as climate change. Chernus then…
PSYCH253 Book Review: Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert In Daniel Gilbert’s, Stumbling on Happiness (2006), Gilbert attempts to explain how our current reasoning for happiness is in fact, flawed. Many examples explored within the book as well as experiments provided in class supports the overarching theme that our memory is influenced by external factors that we are unaware of. Our memory cannot be solely relied upon when retrieving previous…
Many people believe that we are currently in the end times prophesized in the Bible. Although it would be fairly simple to attach biblical significance to events occurring in our current times, it is important to note, a great multitude of people, throughout the centuries, have searched within their own times for signs of the coming apocalypse. All who claimed to have found the smoking gun that proved we were in the end times have been wrong. We know this because the world still exists, and we’re still here in it.…
The speech I’d like to write my paper on is “You’ve Got To Have Hope” by Harvey Milk. Milk was the first openly gay individual to be elected official in the United States; he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1977. He gave his speech on June 24, 1977 in San Francisco to announce his candidacy and to address gay rights. The speech is important because it helped unite the gay community and their supporters.…
Americans are often fascinated by the word apocalypse. When we hear the word apocalypse, we tend to normally think of the various media portrayals that we see on a daily basis. Whether it’s on your television, in a video game or in a movie theatre on the big screen. The individuals who are feeding us these falsehood portrayals of the apocalypse may be looking for a quick profit.…
Susan Pfeffer’s story “Ashes” teaches a lesson about how trust is decided on past, not relationships. Ashleigh, “Ashes”, with divorced parents, talks about how when she is with her dad, the sun shines just a little bit brighter, but according to her mother, he is just an “irresponsible bum”. Ashes was a nickname her father gave her, which her mother hates. Ashes, says that her father hardly ever keeps a promise, such as when she was a kid, he told her that the stars were her necklace. One lesson the story suggests is that parent-child relationships can quickly change, depending on the choices they make.…
Imagine if you just saw your best friend being taken in front of your eyes, and never being able to see her again? How would you react? In the book, “Rage Of The Fallen” by Joseph Delaney, a boy by the name of Tom Ward goes through that exact situation. This is a fantasy book in which there are things like worlds, magic, and other things, which is why it’s important to understand it. In order to do so you need to know about the setting, the characters, the conflict, etc.…
While discussing the end with his wife, the husband inquires, “Are you afraid?” (92). Both the husband and the wife expect the end of the world to be frightening, and daunting, but the couple’s fear is replaced by a sense of calm. The two of them are surprised and confused on how to spend their last day. Later, still engaged in the same conversation, the husband reflects, “I always thought people would be screaming in the streets at a time like this” (92). Society expects the end of the world to be fiery and loud, but this end seems to be the opposite of what they expected. “The Last Night of the World,” describes how the world can end unperturbed, but also…
He said that his version of a true apocalypse would be a reoccurrence of the comet that ended the dinosaurs, or "human activities" that make the world's atmosphere too unsustainable for humans to survive. However, unlike Alejandra Guillen, Jonathan's fears on death do not influence his views on the apocalypse. His fears on death mainly concerns life after death, whether there is something out there after one dies, or if there is simply nothing. For the last question, whether he believes that the apocalypse is already happening, he responded, " Yes, negative human activity is becoming so rampant that we are destroying ecosystems, killing many species of flora and fauna thus we are slowly destroying the earth[']s natural environmental flow. It has been scientif[i]cally proven that we have entered the sixth great ex[t]inction which humans are at the base of". The results of these short questions were surprising to show that average people with ideas that are not related to one another, have a similar understanding or view of an apocalyptical world which humans have caused either directly or indirectly. Alberto, Alejandra, and Jonathan fear death; people fear death, but not enough to show resolve into improving Earth's…
The story itself begins in a non-linear fashion. The protagonist muses about the end of the world, and different scenarios that will bring about this end. He eventually reaches the conclusion that humans will wipe each other out. “We could find a way to feed any number of people and perhaps even a way to avoid wiping each other out with the bomb.” the protagonist mentions. “Those things we are very good at, but we have never been any good at changing ourselves or the way we behave” (Fast, 150).…