Colleges aren’t that easy to get into. Most people do not get into their dream college because of SAT (composite) and SAT (Critical Reading And Math) scores. With the SAT and ACT aren’t easy tests, they are for getting students college ready. Also a big percentage of high school students don’t go because of expenses. Colleges can be too stressful, too expansive, and too overwhelming.
The cost for colleges are usually pricey, for example, Texas Tech University requires a non-refundable application fee of $75, or a person can get a fee waiver (T.T.U). This past year, students spent an average of $563 on course materials, 20% less than they did in the 2007-2008 academic year, according to the National Association Of College Stores (“How”). Honestly no one ever said that college was cheap. For example you have to pay for every expense from textbooks to housing which isn’t as cheap as you would think. …show more content…
For instance, high school students are assured a scholarship if they are in the top 25% of their high school class and achieve at least a 27 Act (Composite) or 1200 Sat (Critical Reading And Math). There are also Merit Transfer Scholarships that are available when you meet the required GPA and number of credit hours earned (T.T.U). There are also scouts that go out and can recognize people for a specific sport. Sports are the next best option for someone who isn’t as relatively smart as the next person. For example Texas Tech University has one of the best Coed Cheerleading teams. A recommended curriculum includes; 4 Units of English, Math, and Science. As well as 2 Units of Foreign Language. Texas Tech’s Cheerleading team also requires a 3.oo GPA