There are as many different styles and variations of spoken language as there are people on Earth as language is an abundant ocean of creativity that will never dry up. The inventions of modern day technology such as the TV have meant that English spoken language is as varied now as it has ever been; you only have to flick through the TV channels to discover the differences in the language a news reporter uses, compared to that of a chat show host. This also applies to different people talking about the same subject; this can be illustrated in the study of Jamie Oliver’s and Gordon Ramsay’s unique adaptations of spoken language to suit the audience and purpose of their different cooking shows.
Oliver has a very relaxed and informal apdo TV chefs adapt and change their language to suit their audience and purpose?
There are as many different styles and variations of spoken language as there are people on Earth as language is an abundant ocean of creativity that will never dry up. The inventions of modern day technology such as the TV have meant that English spoken language is as varied now as it has ever been; you only have to flick through the TV channels to discover the differences in the language a news reporter uses, compared to that of a chat show host. This also applies to different people talking about the same subject; this can be illustrated in the study of Jamie Oliver’s and Gordon Ramsay’s unique adaptations of spoken language to suit the audience and purpose of their different cooking shows.
Oliver has a very relaxed and informal approach to communicate with his audience that features the use of colloquial language, which makes his show more inviting and makes the do TV chefs adapt and change their language to suit their audience and purpose?
There are as many different styles and variations of spoken language as there are people on Earth as language is an abundant