Upon merging, an unknown golden microbial growth that was previously identified as a type of golden algae is present (Figure 1). However, isolation and examination of the golden microbe determined it to be a type of semi-photosynthetic bacterial growth that fluoresced in the yellow spectrum. Furthermore, it exhibited immense growth which creates a biotic competition factor that may contribute to the lack of biomass. The goal of my experiment is to identify the bacteria then determine the effect it has on aquatic vertebrate
Upon merging, an unknown golden microbial growth that was previously identified as a type of golden algae is present (Figure 1). However, isolation and examination of the golden microbe determined it to be a type of semi-photosynthetic bacterial growth that fluoresced in the yellow spectrum. Furthermore, it exhibited immense growth which creates a biotic competition factor that may contribute to the lack of biomass. The goal of my experiment is to identify the bacteria then determine the effect it has on aquatic vertebrate