1.1 Antimycobacterial Studies
An Antimycobaterial is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth and activities of disease causing Mycobacteria (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium Leprae, etc) that are responsible for fatal diseases such as Tuberculosis and leprosy. Antimicrobacterials can either kill microbes (microbiocidal) or prevent the growth of microbes (microbiostatic) (Hannan et al., 2011). Mycobacterium is a genius in the family of the Mycobacteriaceae, belonging to the phylum Actinobacteria, pathogens known to cause deadly diseases including tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and leprosy (Mycobacterium leprae) are well known members of this genus. The word mycobacteria was derived from the Greek prefix, myco meaning fungus, due to the mold-like fashion in which mycobacterium grows on the surface of liquids when cultured (Kerr and Barrett, 2009).
Mycobacteria have been known to colonize their hosts without the host showing any signs, billions of people around the world have asymptomatic infections of M. tuberculosis. Mycobacterial infections are notoriously difficult to treat, the organisms are hardy due to their cell wall, which is neither truly Gram negative nor positive (subject to gram’s stain). Furthermore, they naturally resist some antibiotics that disrupt cell wall biosynthesis, such as penicillin. Due to their hardy cell wall, they also have the ability to survive long exposure to acids, alkalis, detergents, oxidative bursts and many antibiotics. Most of them are susceptible to the antibiotics clarithromycin and rifampicin, however, antibiotic-resistant strains have emerged. The secretion of extracytoplasmic proteins in M. tuberculosis have proven to function in its virulence (McCann et al., 2009).
Mycobacteria are classified into several groups based on diagnosis and treatment; M. tuberculosis complex, they can cause tuberculosis (they include: M. tuberculosis, M. bovia, M. africanum and
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