Brenda Clark
Argosy University Online
Abstract This study was done to show if continuing aftercare treatment after leaving a drug and alcohol
rehabilitation center will have less chance of relapsing, and more of a chance of staying
sober and clean. Participants included twenty volunteers (7 females, 13 males). These
participants were part of some type of inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation treatment center for
addiction to drugs or alcohol or both. Also included 2 counselors (1 inpatient, 1 outpatient).
Nobody was left out because addiction can happen at any age. An interview was used to collect
the data from the participants. I spoke with the …show more content…
The real work begins after the routine structure of
inpatient treatment. Continued care is vital, particullary in the first few years of recovery.
According to the National Institute on drug abuse 40 to 60 percent of people who have addiction
relapse at least once. The reason for this is because they are not amending their lives and being
on alert. Vocational Rehabilitation counselors can be active participants in keeping someone
from relapsing (Hitchen, 2001). The counselors at the inpatient rehab should have this set up
before a patient goes home. When a patient goes into aftercare it can be the most exciting and
frustrating time.
Therefore the current study helps us to understand how if you continue aftercare
treatment after leaving a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center you will have more of a chance of
staying sober and clean.
Participants included twenty volunteers (7 females, 13 males). These participants were
part of some type of inpatient or outpatient rehabilitation treatment center for addiction to drugs
or alcohol or both. Also included 2 counselors (1 inpatient, 1 outpatient). Nobody was left out
because addiction can happen at any age. …show more content…
There would
be no other information given out of their file other than what pertains to the survey. Next
each participant was taken into a room where it was just them and the interviewer. This way it
was all in confidence. This was done with each participant that was either in an outpatient or
inpatient rehab. They were not allowed to tell the other participants if they followed through
with the interview or if they denied to participate and tell the truth. Then after they were all
interviewed the counselors were interviewed in the same manner. Immediately after the
interview was done it was recorded on how many stayed sober with after care, and how many
relapsed, because they did not do any after care and relied on what they learned at rehab only.
Ethical Issue
1. Participants may be harmed as a result on their involvement. The potential harms include stress, guilt, reduction of self-esteem and self-respect, and minor discomfort.
2. Professional relationships and the knowledge base may be damaged. These