Driven by competitive pressures, and the attractiveness of the industry’s fastest growing market in the world, a U.S.-based chemical manufacturer, ABC Chemical Company (name changed to maintain confidentiality) considered expansion into Asia, specifically, China.
William Smith is the International Marketing manager for ABC Chemical Company. William has been tasked with expanding ABC’s manufacturing and distribution to the Asia Pacific region. Many changes in the powder coating industry have forced ABC to reconsider its their global strategy. To date, they have exclusively manufactured and exported from the Americas. Higher costs and tougher competition have forced ABC to look to the Asia Pacific Region to reduce these costs (specifically shipping) and remain competitive.
ABC Chemical Company is a U.S.-based business that manufactures and distributes specialty chemicals to various industries for use in manufacturing finished products. ABC Chemical Company’s powder coating division needs to expand into Asia to remain competitive. Many of the powder coating division’s customers are moving their plants to Asia in an attempt to expand their markets and lower their production costs. As well, all of ABC Chemical Company’s competitors are opening production facilities in Asia to meet their customer’s needs, to expand their markets and lower their costs. For Asian and some European manufactures, powder coatings are a commodity with no specific qualities or competitive advantages to differentiate one from another. ABC Chemical Company believes that in the future, many of these manufacturers will need more specialized products moving away from a commodity. Gaining a foothold in Asia at this time is critical to ABC Chemical Company’s future. As a commodity, powder coatings are purchased strictly based on price. Shipping costs to Asia have raised prices to a point where ABC Chemical Company would eith`er lose money if they