The chart (NPIC, 2012) below contains the toxicity classification for Dicamba regarding the acute oral, inhalation, dermal, primary eye irritation, and primary skin irritation effects. It is important to note that not a lot of information is available regarding the chronic toxicity of Dicamba in humans, the U.S. EPA has not found any evidence regarding Dicamba disrupting the Endocrine system, and Dicamba is not likely to be a human carcinogen. Not as much data is available regarding Dicamba in aquatic species, but some baseline data exists.
Immature coho salmon have a 24-hour LC50 (lethal concentration where 50% of the treated subjects die when …show more content…
In this case pregnant women are exposed to Dicamba by ingesting raw fish that have been exposed to Dicamba via inhalation, ingestion, and dermal contact. No other information is known about Dicamba in fish other than its LC50 (151 ppm=151mg/L=151mg/kg), which is based on the concentration of one milligram of Dicamba being present in each liter of water. Knowing that an Immature coho salmon is about 80% water by weight, it weighs on average 2 kg, and it is unlikely for it to absorb 100% of the dose of Dicamba it is being exposed to, it will at most contain approximately 300 mg of Dicamba. With the average human being weighing 80 kg and the U.S. EPA setting the oral reference dose (RfD) for Dicamba at 0.5 mg/kg/day, that limit equates to 40 mg per day. According to a NOAA study, the average American eats .00025 kg per day of fish (North Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration [NOAA], 2012). .00025 kg divided by 2 kg, multiplied by 300 mg of Dicamba is equal to .0375 mg of Dicamba (well under the 40 mg per day). From the rat laboratory experiment mentioned earlier, the results indicated that most of an absorbed Dicamba was found in the rat’s urine within two days. The accidental human test (attempted suicide by Dicamba mentioned above) also supports the fact that when humans swallow Dicamba, it is taken in quickly and rapidly eliminated via urination. Still it is unclear why sometimes Coho die at .25 ppm and at other times they survive way over the LC50. For the fish, the adsorption of Dicamba on the Vermiculite made it 30 times more toxic; for humans it is