- Digestion; enzymes promoting chemical reactions that power our bodies. Lifting your arm requires your body to make and burn ATP using oxygen with carbon dioxide as one of the waste gases produced.
- The internal combustion engine takes liquid gasoline, converts it to a gas, burns it takes the waste to make mechanical energy and then expels some noxious gases. The rare metals in the catalytic converter scrub out the sulfuric acid, but we still get the ingredients for smog out of them.
- Cooking is the heating and combination of compounds to make something new. In some cases, like rising bread we have an actual chemical reaction where the yeast changes the food.
- When concrete dries and hardens the water actually causes a chemical reaction with the cement making a binding action drying concrete isn't just losing water it is undergoing a chemical change and one that creates heat as well (an exothermic reaction).
- When you write with ink on paper, the ink and paper unite in a chemical reaction so that you can't erase it. Specialized inks allow a short period where you can erase some inks, but most inks dry and can't be erased; they have bound with the paper. This includes your pen and your ink jet printer.
Analytical Chemistry * Analytical chemistry is the chemistry discipline concerned with the chemical composition of materials. * Analytical chemistry also is concerned with developing the tools used to examine chemical compositions.
- The Culligan Man comes to your house and tests your water hardness.
- You have your blood sugars tested.
- You check the pH in your fish tank.
- The quantity of metal in an ore is tested to determine if it is feasable to