Rxn of carboxyllic acid derivatives w/organometallic reagents, Cuprate preparation and rxn, Reduction of carboxyllic acid derivatives, basic/acidic aldol rxn (dimerization, cross aldol, selective enolate formation), basic/acidic aldol dehydration, Claisen and Dieckmann Condensations, Michael addition, Robinson annulation, Enolate alkylation
Hueckel's rules: Be cyclic, planar, each has 2p orbital that can participate in the ring system, closed loop has 2n+2 electrons. Antiaromatic follow all rules but the last, having 2n electrons.
Acidity of phenols: electron withdrawing group para > ortho > (none) > meta
Directing groups: if the atom attached to the phenyl group is double-bonded to something, the group is meta-directing.
Reactions: Electrophilic aromatic substitution rxns, Nucleophilic aromatic substitution rxns (via benzyne or substitution-elmination), Diels-Alder (endo/exo, inter/intramolecular), Diene 1-2 and 1-4 electrophilic addition, Eliminating bromine from arenes via Grignard, Carboxylation of arenes via Grignard
Properties of: Amines (pkAs and resonance structures for aromatic and aliphatic molecules), amides (sp2 hybridized by amide bonds), anilines (aromatic amines)
Structure of: Sugars (linear (oxidized to acyl group) and ring, polymerzation through the anomeric carbon, mutarotation, Fisher projections), Steroids, amino acids (match names to structures, Fisher projections)
Reactions: Aromatic nitro group rdxn to amine (rxn only), Diazonium salt preparation and rxn