Teresa Miller
University of Phoenix
CHM 110
September 9, 2014
William De Vorick
Chemistry is defined as the branch of science that deals with identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances. Chemistry is important to my everyday life and society because everything exists because of chemistry. For all things to live survive or exist, it requires the use of chemical processes. All things depend on a chemical reaction to function and survive.
Accuracy and Precision relate to quality of measurement. Accuracy refers to how close the measurements are to the “true” value or accepted standard value or known value. Precision is how close measurements are to each other. Precision is a unit of measurement that is also referred to as the ability to reproduce the same results multiple times.
Society is reliant on standard measurements when they buy goods and services. Society depends upon the accuracy and precision of measurements for products sold by the retail industry, such as a gallon of gas, a bushel of corn, or bottled water. The measurements have to be accurate and precise when it related to how retailers, farmers and others sell their products. Like food products, gasoline is sold in quantities. If gasoline is not measured accurately than the profit/loss margin for both the business man and the consumer would be off. If a company sells gas for $3.39/ gallon and they give more than a gallon due to measurements being off, then they lose/gain money, but so does the consumer buying the product. This would be the same for farmers selling their products. Measurements must be accurate and precise. This would ensure that the cost of selling this item would yield them the same price per amount, no matter who was buying it.