1. What safety equipment is available to you while you do your experiments? How far are they from you while you are conducting your experiments? This includes fire extinguishers, phones, showers, etc.…
I would advise my friends to read the instructions one more time. 175F* seems to be fairly low in cooking flan. Chances are that he probably mixed up Celsius with Fahrenheit.…
Please complete the following photos over the summer. Remember you are creating a design portfolio centered on the principals of design using photography as your media. You need to choose 70 of the 100+ from the list below and shoot a photo a day. Now remember this is more than just a snap shot take your time setting things up and challenging yourself compositionally.…
October 1973 to March 1974, and the long gas lines it caused highlighted the United…
3-hydroxy-3methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) catalyzes the formation of mevalonate in the biosynthesis of sterols and isoprenoids. The activity of this enzyme is regulated physiologically through synthesis, degradation and phosphorylation to maintain to maintain the concentration of the mevalonate-derived products. Transcription and translation of HMGR increase when the concentrations of products of mevalonate pathway are low while on the other hand when the concentrations are high, the intracellular HMGR concentration decreases rapidly. The third level of regulation is achieved by phosphorylation of S872 by AMP-activated protein Kinase, which decreases the enzyme’s activity.…
Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed. Chemistry has to do with many things we use today. For example, fireworks are made by the chemical combining magnesium, titanium, copper, aluminum, strontium, or other periodical elements. Things also like making plastic, jewelry, coins, etc. In this chemistry lab, you will be working with many different chemicals, calculations, equipment so it is wise to learn how to work them.…
Names of the Elements Name: Period: Hint: If you need help go to: http://periodic.lanl.gov/default.htm What elements were named after the following astronomical bodies? Sun Mercury Earth Moon Asteroid Pallas Asteroid Ceres Uranus Neptune Pluto What elements were named regarding their taste or odor?…
Metals are mined from ores, considering yield to see if it is economically viable for a business to mine at a particular site. However, due to environmental damage and global warming, recycling has increased globally to create a sustainable future. By examining the cost and energy expenditure of recycling and extracting aluminium we can understand why recycling is a better choice than extracting metal from its ore.…
A. Based on your observations make an activity series of the metals used. List them in such a way that the most active metal is on the left and the least active metal is on the right. Remember, sodium and copper are metals, too.…
|interested in scientific inquiry. Chemistry is study of matter, its |To build a basic knowledge of the structure of chemistry |…
-Chemistry is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. It is a very practical science which means that it can be used to determine stuff we do in real life. For example, drugs, food, etc. are made by researching the chemical properties of the substance.…
Chemistry is the study of matter and its composition, structure, properties, and reactions.…
Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you explain the importance of chemistry in your life and in society. Include the following information:…
Chemistry is the study of the properties and applications of substances that are all around…
Some people think that chemistry is just about mixing things up and experimenting in test tubes and explosions. Actually chemistry studies everything around us and how they change, for example it tells what your body is made out of. We study chemistry in biology, geology, engineering, and even physics. Chemistry is the science of matter, and how it changes and its chemical reactions, it's also called as the central science ( the main one) because it connects physics with other sciences. Chemistry is important because it explains the world around you, it explains how food changes when you cook it and how it rots. Chemical reactions occur when you breathe, eat, or even setting down watching the T.V.…