The art of fireworks, first originated in ancient China, with thefirst explosive being made from a mixture of black powder during theSung dynasty. It is believed that the explosive mixture was created bya combination of sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal. The Chinese foundthat the combination of these ingredients was extremely flammable andwould explode if set alight.
Fireworks were originally created for the purpose of entertainment andtoday they are still widely used in celebration to mark specialoccasions. The thrill and excitement generated by fireworks,brightening the night sky and immersing it with vivid displays ofcolour and technicality, which makes them a crowd pleaser.
Behind all the excitement of fireworks, chemistry plays an importantrole in creating the vivid colours we witness lighting up the sky. Theactual chemical reactions that take place in the explosions requirethe use of oxidisers, reducing agents and binders. The additions ofvarying metal chlorides add the colours.
(See Table 1)OxidisersAn oxidizing agent producing the oxygen required to burn the mixtureReducersAn agent e.g. Sulphur, that burn the oxygen and produce hot gasesBindersRequired to hold the mixture in a lumpTABLE 1: Oxidisers, Reducers and BindersThe ability of producing coloured light from the principles offireworks have allowed this technology to be applied for bothindustrial and military uses. Fireworks are now used for flares andsmokescreens in modern society.
In Australia the non-authorised use of fireworks are banned due to thepossibility of death or injury caused by stray rockets anduncontrollable explosions. Care is also needed because fireworks candamage your hearing and the fumes produced are toxic.
Chemical Background:The production of light in fireworks, rely on basic
Bibliography: ooks and Encyclopedia 'sAuthorYearTitleCountry of PublicationPublisherEncyclopedia BritannicaJames and KennedyBob Morton198420012002Fireworks and FlaresFireworksThe EssentialsUnited States of AmericaUnited States of AmericaAustraliaEncyclopedia BritannicaWorld Book EncyclopediaHartley Management GroupCD-ROM 'sAuthorYearTitle of ArticleCDROMPublisherWesley Bocxe2001FireworksEncarta 2001Microsoft CorporationInternetAuthorTitle of articleAddressDateLiving Media India Ltd. Pat KigerThink QuestNicholas MuellerAbout LtdThe Chemistry of FireworksThe Science of FireworksThe Chemistry of FireworksSparkle, Fizz, Boom!Chemistry of fireworks colours