| | | | | |
| |Zn |Mg |Cu |Pb |
| |(+) clear liquid but the |(+) a black spot appeared on|(-) no reaction occurred |(-) no reaction |
|Pb(NO3)2 |Zinc itself turned glittery |the sliver of magnesium. | | |
| |(+) the liquid looks |(+) There was also a black |(+) The copper almost looks |(+) the balls of lead turned|
|AgNO3 |ash-like and the Zinc turned|spot that appeared on the |like fuzz grew on it |black and look fuzzy and |
| |black and looks like it is |magnesium. | |soft as though they lost |
| |falling apart | | |their solidity. |
| |(-) no reaction occurred |(+) the magnesium appeared |(-) no reaction |(-) no reaction |
|MgCl2 | |thinner than it was before | | |
| | |the MgCl was added | | |
| |(+) There is a black tint to|(+) there was black spotting|(-) no reaction |(-) no reaction |
|CuSO4 |the Zinc and the edges are |on the magnesium and the | |