(Written by Dr Geoffrey Neuss)
Page Introduction 1 Assessment of Practical Work 3 Error and uncertainty 7 Significant figures 8
1. Some common chemical reactions. 9 2. A traditional acid-alkali titration. 10
3. Analysis of aspirin tablets 11 4. Elements and compounds of period 3 12 5. Chlorine content of swimming pool water 13 6. Boiling points of liquid mixtures 14 7. Enthalpy changes 15 8. Redox titration with potassium permanganate(VII) 16 9. Group VII 17
10. Determination of the percentage of copper in brass 18
11. Electrolysis experiments 19
12. Electrochemical cells 20
13. Redox reactions of vanadium 21
14. Determination of Kc for an esterification reaction 22
15. Acid/base titrations using the pH meter 23
16. Factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction 24
17. The kinetics of the iodination of propanone 25
18. Reactions of organic compounds 26
19. Preparation of cyclohexene from cyclohexanol 27
20. Preparation of 1,3-dinitrobenzene 28
21. Hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes 29
22. Alcohols and phenol 30
23. Preparation and purification of aspirin 31
24. Structure determination 32
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