Name: Goh Kian Shen Lecturer: Dr. Anne Kee Hooi Ling Section: Chemistry 107A Date lab was performed: 17 January 2013
Aim: The aim of the experiment is to understand physical and chemical changes of different matters under the influence of heat. And use the metric system to measure length, volume and weight.
Procedure: Please refer to the laboratory manual pages 8-‐10.
A) Physical and Chemical changes. 1. A) The material remains as paper, and the change produced was a physical change. B) Yes, it is still paper C) After burning the material is not paper anymore. The products of combustion were water, carbon dioxide and ashes.
2. i. Platinum a) It’s a solid, malleable, thin, hard b) Platinum wire turns red when heated, remains hard and malleable c) The properties remained the same
d) There was no permanent change occurred e) Physical change. ii. Copper a) It’s hard, shiny, non-‐malleable b) Color turned from brown to dark brown, turns dull. c) Color changes from brown to black, turns dull d) Chemical change, the copper was chemically reacted with oxygen