References: Clow, K., & Baack, D. (2007). Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications (3rd edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.…
The following assignment illustrates the process a company initiates in order to implement a successful integrated marketing communications strategy.…
Select a reason in which you think a company would hire a celebrity to promote their product:…
Matt Monkiewicz, director of marketing for Kayem Foods, Inc., is challenged with a decision pertaining to a small but fast growing product, Al Fresco chicken sausage. The product has become a brand leader in its market niche, and means on how to promote the product is in question. A “buzz” marketing campaign was recently used, and while the company did increase in sales, there is no way to directly calculate the effect the campaign had on the product. Mr. Monkiewicz would like to continue to use the “buzz” marketing approach, but supermarket executives and food distributers are unwilling to increase buying and support for the brand. They do not believe that this small marketing campaign is solid enough to increase buyer recognition and increase sales. Customers have remarked that the product is hard to find in stores, and some cannot find it entirely and have to visit other locations.…
6. Tiffany is the creative director of an ad agency. The agency has just been hired to develop a promotional campaign for a company that produces exercise videos for women. As part of her preparation for developing a creative strategy, Tiffany reviews some studies conducted on the overall fitness and exercise market as well as a report on the changing roles of women in society. This information is part of: A. general preplanning input. B. product-specific…
| Brand-to-consumer relevance could be achieved through making use of celebrities with whom consumers identify.…
TOPIC TWO: Consumer decision making (how marketers expect that consumer response to their marketing plans, action, strategies and tactics) is a critical factor in successful marketing. Find an article that focuses on a specific marketing action related to consumer decision making responsiveness (or lack thereof) that a consumer products/services marketer has recently made. Discuss and provide your POV with regard to this action. Be specific and comprehensive in your response to the action taken.…
3. Should Lopdrup make Experiential the target segment and modify Red Lobster’s positioning accordingly (you may approach this by discussing criteria we use to evaluate a segment)? What would your suggestions in their marketing mix be, if Red Lobster was determined to pursue this segment?…
Integrated Marketing Communication Management 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 IMC Objectives IMC Budget Agency Selection Internet Website…
An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective Eighth Edition 2009, Pg 18-25, 42-60, 299-302, 314-342, 388-402, 424-436, 612-644…
Introduction:Terms of Reference:This Report is designed to demonstrate the students understanding of IMC. The report was prepared for Mr. Paul Morrissey, Lecturer of Integrated Marketing Communications.…
The use of celebrity endorsement as a marketing platform has been increasingly engaged by companies. This is because it has been showed that celebrities have significant effects on attitudes toward the product and purchase intentions. (Friedman & Friedman, 1979, as cited in Gurel-Atay, 2010, p. 57)…
Swain, W. N. (2004, March). Perceptions of IMC after a decade of development: Who 's at…
Celebrity marketing is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of advertising. Per recent data 20% of all television commercials have a famous person in them. And about 10% of all the money spent on any form of television advertisement use a celebrity to endorse the brand and product (Advertising Age 1987; Sherman 1985). Research has demonstrated that celebrities make advertising products more plausible (Kamins et al. 1989). They also help the consumer with product recall (Friedman and Friedman 1979). Additionally, celebrities aid the identification with the brand (Petty, Cacioppo, and Schumann 1983). The use of celebrities is intended to instill a positive view in the consumer’s mind in regards of the brand (Kamins et al. 1989), this helps bring life into a product and give it it’s very own personality (McCracken, 1989). Since here are more and more brands investing highly in these celebrity endorsements the question that now must be asked is if it is worth it and persuades consumer purchase intention.…
Clow, Kenneth E., Baack Donald. (2004) Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 2e. Prentice-Hall, Inc.…