The macro-level perspective focuses on interconnectedness of marriage, families, and intimate relationships with the rest of society. Perspectives at the macro-level puts focus on the family’s purpose in society, their integrations with in the environment, and the social context that they are embedded in. In summary the macro-level focuses on how the family is affected by everything outside of itself, such as the geographic region they live in, the social structure they associate with, and the cultural context they associate their values with. It is also important to keep in mind that changes at the macro-level can affect the function at the micro-level.
The American family system in particular has undergone numerous changes or shifts in the last 100 years. Some of the major shifts or changes can be seen in who the main financial contributor to the family’s income is. There is more acceptance and prevalence of single parent families. There is also more acceptance for same sex parents, and step-parents. Also the roles that each gender has within the family have changed considerably. There are now stay at home Dad’s, or both parents may work outside the home, and share the workload of household chores. These changes affect how families function both on the micro and macro level, and