THE CHIHUAHUA IS NONE FOR IT APPLE DOME HEAD AND IT’S BARREL CAGED BODY.To know me is to love me." – IS WHAT A Chihuahua's motto WOULD BE if they could talk.THE CHIHUAHUA CAN BE TRACED BACK Rich with history and legend, the tiny Chihuahua dates back to pre-Columbian Mexico, and is the oldest breed in the Americas. Chihuahuas are believed to descend either from the Techichi, mute companions to the Toltecs, or from small Chinese dogs brought to the Americas by the Conquistadors; it is also possible that both theories are accurate and the Chihuahua is a mix. The Techichi historical record only goes back to the ninth century but it is likely that the Chihuahua’s ancestors predate the Mayans. The remains of dogs resembling the Chihuahua have been found in the Pyramids at Cholula on the Yucatan Peninsula, which predate the 16th century. The Aztecs, who eventually conquered the Toltecs, adopted the Chihuahua as a sacred icon of the upper class. It is said the dogs were used in religious ceremonies to redress sins and as guides for the spirits of the dead. Christopher Columbus refers to the tiny dog in a letter to the King of Spain. Without doubt, the Chihuahua’s principle home was present-day Mexico, but the breed’s immigration to Europe may have been Columbus’ doing.
The present day Chihuahua is far smaller than its forebears. Some believe that the Chinese Crested Dog was responsible for the reduction in size, a smoother coat, and the Chihuahua’s voice. Modern Chihuahuas come in a plethora of colors and in both long and shorthaired varieties. Rediscovered in Chihuahua, Mexico in 1850, the dog has remained consistently popular to this day, and is among the most common breeds seen in American homes. The first Chihuahua to be officially registered by the American Kennel Club was "Midget" in 1904. This is a long-lived breed, often achieving 16 or more years of age. However, there are some genetic diseases that can cause problems. Like most toy breeds, the