Child abuse is a phenomenon that has a long history and exists in various Cultures. Most countries have policies and programs that have the purpose of contributing to the well being of children, including preventing and reducing the risk of child abuses in many cases of child maltreatment, such policies and programs are sufficient and further maltreatment is not reported.
Under the Presidential Decree no. 603, the child is one of the most important assets of the nation. Every effort should be exerted to promote his welfare and enhance his opportunities for a useful and happy life. The child is not a creature of the state. Hence, his individual traits and aptitude should be cultivated to the utmost into far as they do not conflict with the general welfare. The molding of the child’s character starts at home. Consequently every member of the family should strive to make the home a wholesome and harmonious place as its atmosphere and condition will greatly influence the child’s development. Attachment to the home and strong family ties should be encouraged but not to the extent of making the home isolated and exclusive. Exclusive and unconcerned with the interest of the community and country. The national rights and duty of parents in the hearing of the child for civic efficiency should receive the aid and support of the government. Other institutions like church, school and the community in general should assist the home and the state in the endeavor to prepare the child for the responsibilities of adulthood.
Throughout the world many children suffered maltreatment either in the hand of their parents, guardian, teacher or person having care or custody of the child. The child may suffer physical abuse, neglect, cruelty, sexual and psychological economic abuse and emotional maltreatment. Any act by deeds or words which debases, degrades, or demeans the intrinsic worth and dignity not a child as a human being.