There is sure to be some pressure to win as I find it unusual for someone to join and not want to win. Thin people tend to look better in skinny clothes than naked, so they would judge how beautiful look with their clothes on which will make them end up even skinnier than if they were looking at themselves without clothes since they are modeling with clothes on. That is it so far for the first notion, the second is why are we sexualizing the young? Looking at images on the search engine Google, I find that children need to be sexualized in order for them to be upvoted. Why is this? My theory, yes just a theory, is that people want to see if they can look as beautiful as women of maturity. Basically, can children look as good or better than older women. Can children rock clothes better than women who have more years? I generally think it is a bad idea for us to make children think so much of how they look instead of embracing who they are, because we set them up for disappointment at such a young age. I think this will certainly lead children to even in their mature age, to be conscious about how they look and lead to mental and physical
There is sure to be some pressure to win as I find it unusual for someone to join and not want to win. Thin people tend to look better in skinny clothes than naked, so they would judge how beautiful look with their clothes on which will make them end up even skinnier than if they were looking at themselves without clothes since they are modeling with clothes on. That is it so far for the first notion, the second is why are we sexualizing the young? Looking at images on the search engine Google, I find that children need to be sexualized in order for them to be upvoted. Why is this? My theory, yes just a theory, is that people want to see if they can look as beautiful as women of maturity. Basically, can children look as good or better than older women. Can children rock clothes better than women who have more years? I generally think it is a bad idea for us to make children think so much of how they look instead of embracing who they are, because we set them up for disappointment at such a young age. I think this will certainly lead children to even in their mature age, to be conscious about how they look and lead to mental and physical