Explain why the first impressions that you make in the setting are important.
First Impressions in a Setting
It is very important to make a good first impression in a child care setting. There are many ways to make good impressions, such as being there on time. By doing this it shows that you are well prepared and ready to work. It shows that you are reliable and they can trust you.
You have got to have good manners. This way it will make you come across as a nice, loving person. Also by using them you will set a good example for the children and will encourage them to use manners themselves.
You have to present yourself in good way and make an effort, for example wear sensible clothing and make sure they are clean. When you come into the work placement make sure that you are presentable as in not too much makeup, hair neat and have good hygiene.
You have to be polite to people, for example smile at someone, ask them how they are. This way it will make people think you are a caring towards others and they will think that you are a nice person.
You must always be prepared. Before you start the placement you should go into the work placement and ask the manager what you need to prepare yourself for. This way it will show other staff members that you know what you are doing around the children and you can be trusted with the children.
You also have to be patient with the children. If you are helping out in a lesson a child might ask you for help. Instead of telling them the answer you will have to be patient with the child until they get it right.
You must not shout at the children unless it is absolutely necessary. If you do shout at the children you might come across as someone that is not very nice and hasn’t got a lot of patients. Instead of shouting at them, talk to them in a calm manner, this way it will show other staff members you know how to deal with bad situations.
You should reward the children when they have done