Outcome 1
Q3 Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions when communicating with them
A3 Because you want to make sure they understand you. Because you need to see their reaction if they miss anything or could not get the correct meaning. Observing the body language helps to understand if the other person understands you. By talking face to face you can see if the other person is interested or not. By talking to each other we can feel or share each other feelings. We can also share and receive information.
Outcome 2
Q3 Show how and when to seek advice about communication
A3 You seek advice when the questions being asked are beyond your authority or knowledge. When the language or disability of the child is not something you can handle. For example a parent that drops off a child to your centre needs to communicate through sign language however neither you nor your colleague knows sign language. You need to inform your manger of this communication barrier so the person that can communicate in sign language is always around during drop off and pick up time.
Outcome 3
Q1 Identify barriers to communication
Speaking a different language : When someone speaks a different language or uses sign language, they may not be able to understand what the other person is trying to say.
Sensory barriers: When someone cannot receive or pass on information because they have a impairment to one or more of their senses, the most common is hearing or seeing.
Emotional difficulties: Many of us have emotional difficulties at times and become very upset. For example you may have an argument with a member of your family or you may have had some bad news. This can affect communication by not being able to focus properly and can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.
Health issues: When you are feeling ill, you may not be able to communicate as effectively as when you are feeling well. This can affect