3.1 and 3.2 It is important to ensure children and young people are protected within the work setting :
In my work setting, all the children and young people have been subjected to some kind of personal trauma, making some of them display unpredictable behaviour, our working practice and policies are designed to keep both staff and children/young people feel safe and protected during day to day work and contact with the children/young peoples families, making children/young people understand all of us have to work to and adhere to rules and boundaries in order to protect all of us.
We have designated areas that children/young people are allowed as long as they are adequately supervised. They are allowed to wait in the reception area as long as the escort or diver accompanies them from the car and hands them over to the contact supervisor. We have family contact rooms with activities and toys in, which can be used with the proper supervision. There are panic alarms in case of emergency (verbal abuse, physical, or medical) to raise alarm. All contact supervisors have their own work mobile phone, to gain help from Police, Fire Ambulance if necessary. Contact supervisors are aware of the fire evacuation process and who the named designated first aiders are and how to obtain their help.
All activities and toys are checked for repair and thrown away and replaced accordingly. Infection control is adhered to by the County guidelines, soft toys are laundered, other toys are wiped down with antibacterial wipes, and hard surfaces are also wiped down.
When children/young people visit the office for meetings etc, regard is given to adult conversations and confidentiality.
Parents who are deemed to be a risk to their children are supervised at all times. No unsupervised contact whatsoever, even when young children need to be toileted.
When staff are needed to transport children. Staff are aware of and adhere to the policy and have a valid,