RC II Learning Experiences In your words, describe nine learning experiences (activities) that cover each of the following areas:
RC II-1 Science/Sensory
RC II-2 Language and Literacy
RC II-3 Creative Arts
RC II-4 Fine Motor (Indoor Activity)
RC II-5 Gross Motor (Outdoor Activity)
RC II-6 Self Concept
RC II-7 Emotional Skills/Regulation
RC II-8 Social Skills
RC II-9 Mathematics
Optional: Music and Movement
These should be, but may not be limited to, activities you have planned and used in past lessons. You may either write your descriptions in the spaces provided or include copies of your lesson plans that fit each of the nine areas.
For each experience, indicate the age group (3s, 4s, or 5s) and list the intended goals, materials and processes/teaching strategies. For each activity, discuss why it is developmentally appropriate for that age group.
It is best to include a Visual/Sample/Picture of your activity and place it in an optional, but preferred, plastic sheet cover.
Resource II-1 Science/Sensory
“Water Displacement”
Age Group:
3-5 years
To learn the concept of water displacement
Materials Needed:
Video or Story: “The Crow and the Pitcher”
Clear container
Rocks (any sizes)
Small plastic toy animal
Permanent marker or rubberband
Plate, towel or other object to contain spilled water
Process and Teaching Strategies
Read the story “The Crow and the Pitcher”. Make comments about the story such as, “I wonder why the crow putting rocks in the water? What is happening to the water?
Place a mark or a rubber band around the clear container at about the halfway point. Fill the container with water up to the mark or rubber band line. Have the children notice the difference between the bottom half of the container and the top half, noting that the bottom half has water and the top half has air and that the water line is in the same spot as the mark or