M. White
March 4, 2011
Child Interview Questions 4-12
Emotional Development:
Are you afraid of anything?
Yes, when my mom walks to the gas station and when she takes a long time to get back it scares me.
I am afraid of spiders, because when I watch them on TV and they are in people’s bed and houses and if they bite you it makes a giant bite mark as big as a your hand, its inside is blue and the outside is red.
What makes you angry?
When people talk about me and my brother
Who do you look up to and why?
My dad, because he has a good job and he can be lazy whenever he wants to and he gets to buy whatever he wants.
What makes you cry?
I cry when my mom or dad gets mad at me and they scream at me. Why do they scream at you? They scream at me because I ignore my brother sometimes when playing video games and my dad doesn’t like it and a lot of times I am doing something my mom doesn’t want me to do so she gets mad too. Summary: | |
Bryce is still in the middle to above average in the Emotional Development category he has a strong sense of right from wrong and is aware of consequences if he doesn’t make the right choices. He is more attentive to friendships and teamwork, however, his desire to be liked and accepted by other people is not that important to him just as long as he has his best friend Jalen to talk to and draw with. He is starting to develop more independence from his parents to where he doesn’t want to leave whenever his mom comes to pick him up and Jalen is still there. When with his friends or in group time I see that he expresses frustration in response to activities he doesn’t wish to participate in.
Social Development:
Who are your friends and why are they your friends?
My best friend is Jalen because he likes to draw and I like to draw.
Jan Kelly because he is fun to play with and is cool.
Shantavious because she likes to give me stuff and I love the things she gives me they are beautiful.
What do you