Carson, D. K., Foster, J. M., & Tripathi, N. (2013). Child sexual abuse in India: Current issues and research. Psychological Studies, 58(3), 318-325.
This article discusses the nature and incidence of the sexual abuse of minors in India and presents an overview of research findings to date.
Bandyopadhyay, R. (2012). Child-Sex Tourism, HIV/AIDS, and Social Justice in India. Peace Review, 24(2), 143-146. doi:10.1080/10402659.2012.677320
The article discusses the issues of child-sex tourism, human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome and social justice in India.
Jaishankar, K., & Haldar, D. (2006). Prostitution in India: Issues and trends. ERCES Online Quarterly Review, 3(2) Retrieved from
This paper discusses about prostitution in India that is a serious social problem and its solution has been rendered difficult by the problem of poverty. Prostitution is widely rampant in India and its main markets are in the big cities and involves children’s prostitution.
Joffres, C., Mills, E., Joffres, M., Khanna, T., Walia, H., & Grund, D. (2008). Sexual slavery without borders: trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation in India. International Journal For Equity In Health, 71-11. doi:10.1186/1475-9276-7-22
This paper presents an overview of the trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation in India also identifies the health impacts and suggest strategies to respond to trafficking and related issues
Ray, N. (2007). Wither Childhood? Child Trafficking in India. Social Development Issues, 29(3), 72-83.
This article reviews the current research on domestic trafficking of children in India. Child trafficking in India is a highly visible reality. Children are being sold for sexual and labor exploitation, adoption, and organ harvesting.
Sathyanarayana, T. N., & Babu, G. R. (2012). Targeted sexual exploitation of children and women in India:
References: Carson, D. K., Foster, J. M., & Tripathi, N. (2013). Child sexual abuse in India: Current issues and research. Psychological Studies, 58(3), 318-325. Ray, N. (2007). Wither Childhood? Child Trafficking in India. Social Development Issues, 29(3), 72-83.