Chimney Sweeps are one of the most dangerous jobs there were, and many children died because of it.
According to “Being sent down the chimney the first several times would cause the child’s arms, elbows, legs and knees to be rubbed and scraped raw.” From this you can already just see the poor children all dirty from the ash, and all scraped up. If you saw these children chimney sweeps today they would have scars and marks from when they were children chimney sweeps. They may also have a lung disease from all the smoke and ash in the
Coal mine workers suffered great risk of getting lung disease or getting serious injuries that can sometimes be fatal. In the text from it reads “The thought of using children for working the coal mines was very attractive to mining companies.” This means that during the Victorian times everything was powered by steam and you need coal for steam so coal was a big demand during this time period. So the coal companies used children because they were much smaller (so they could fit in tight spaces) and they demanded much less pay,so the companies could have more for less.
Factory workers were one of the most brutal, and horrible works yet. Acording to “Sometimes you would find more children than adults working at a factory.” this is because that children could get payed just a fraction of what a adult would get payed and girls were payed even less. Children were smaller, and had lots of energy they could accomplish work as good as to even better than adults. Children had no rights at the factories and they were given.
Child labor was very brutal and cruel in the victorian times. Child labor in the victorian area was very brutal and unfair. Children were forced to work around 12 hours with very little pay. Children would be expected to support their families and go to work even starting at the age of 3. Children would be beaten or punished worse if they didn't work hard enough or were late. It is clear that from many of examples that child labor was a very serious and brutal for many children that lived in that time period.