Many Nepali refugee children come to the ESL class I organize. One day, a thin child looked at my shoes and said, “I made shoes like that.” I was shocked and even more surprised when I learned that many popular shoe brands are manufactured by child laborers. In fact, some of those children were in my class! I became aware of the hazards of child labor through my Nepali refugee students. Since then, I have earnestly done research on child labor.
Through my research, I have found that the issue of child labor is important to me in two ways. First, child labor infringes upon children’s human …show more content…
Children are hope of our future. Investing on children is one of the most significant means to change the world to come. If so, we have to eradicate the hazards of child labor and work on children’s wellbeing and their healthy development.
While researching child labor, I came to realize that high quality research is very important in solving global issues, including child labor. I also recognized that the issue of child labor needs both literature research and field investigation. I imagined myself participating in researching child labor in college, not only in literature review but also in field investigation. Then, how would I know if I had been successful in my research? I would know through checking several points. First, if my research, whether literature review or field investigation, had stayed on the focus of the research that my Pomona professor assigned to me, it was a successful research. A successful research is not side tracked, but directed toward the question of the research. It will be crucial to reexamine the intention of the study until the end of the process so that my research will accomplish the purpose of the