Children are the most important people in this world. Not only are they innocent and premature, but they also provide the future for this world. Every great leader or world changing man or women was once a bay. That baby grew up and became something great. Because that bay was raised the right way they were able to achieve men’s greatest achievements. If people like George Washington were raised differently then where would America be? We could still be under British Rule. We could be one of the governments that keep getting into civil wars because they have no strong leaders to lead them in the right direction. One child can rearrange how the world is today. Children are like a ball of clay. Children must be cared for in order to be shaped into a beautiful masterpiece. What masterpiece can you make with cracked clay? Ask any artist or sculptor you can’t work with cracked clay. It crumbles and falls apart in your hand. How can we make this world a masterpiece if the structure isn’t supportive? Child labor is the harsh dry climate that can dry and crack the future masterpiece that is our world. We need educated, healthy, and able children to run our future world and make it the utopia we wish it could be. Putting Child Labor on the front of Time Magazine can really help with this problem. Having this topic on the front of such a popular magazine can really help with the publicity this topic needs. There can be a lot more done to help this on going problem. We need to educate the world on what is happening to these poor children that this has to happen too. Child labor is a very important problem and needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Child Labor should be on the cover of Time Magazine because it is a growing problem, it can destroy countries, and children are the future for this world. Keeping in mind all this aspects I believe that child labor is completely cowardly act of the cruel people and should be banned.
The history of child labor is very
Cited: Anteleva, Natalia. “Child labor in Kyrgyz Coal Mines” BBC News. Web. 24 August 2007. Degregori, Thomas. “Child labor or Child Prostitution?” CATO Institute. 2 October 2002. Print. Del, Col, Laura. “The Life of the Industrial Worker in Nineteenth Century England” Appleton- Century – Crofts, Inc. Web.18 July 1930. Galbi, Douglas. “Child Labor and the Division of Labor in the Early English Cotton Mills” n.d, King’s College Press. Web. 13 June 1994. Saeed, Sabah. “Child Labor in India” Boloji, n.d. Web. 2 February 2002. Yuban, Hilda. “Youth and Labor” United States Department of Labor. Web. 24 October 2011.