Course: Eng 105
Section: 4
Research Paper: Child Marriage in Bangladesh
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I express my deepest gratitude to our Honorable faculty Dr. DeenaP. Forkan. I am deeply indebted to my friends who had helped me to collect relevant information regarding my research paper. Thanks to the authority of NSU library for helping me to find books which are relevant to my research. Finally, I take this opportunity to extend my deep appreciation to my family for all that they meant to me during the crucial times of the completion of my project.
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Abstract of the research paper:
This paper explores the issue of early marriage in Bangladesh. It sheds light specifically on reason behind its perpetuation, its harmful consequences, shows how it constitutes a barrier to education and enjoyment of girl’s human rights and how it further threatens the development of countries. The findings from an extensive reading of materials related to early marriage suggest that early marriage is due to various factors including among others, the search for protection of young girls, peer group and family pressure, controlling female behavior and sexuality, wars and civil conflicts and socio-cultural and religious values. It is a violation of girl’s human rights as it deprives her from freedom, opportunity for personal development, and other rights. It also a developmental challenge for population pressure, health care costs and lost opportunities of human development. It is barrier to girl’s education as young girls drop out from school to get married which impacts negatively on the community as whole and on the