The four principal pieces of legislation relevant to theYanovsky children's case are the Children Act 1989, the Protection ofChildren Act 1999 the Adoption and Children Act 2002 and theChildren Act 2004. The Children Act 1989 sought to carry intolegislation the belief that where possible' children aregenerally best looked after within the family, with both parents playing a fullpart and without resort to legal proceedings. The welfare of the children isthe paramount consideration.' (Children Act, 1989). Thus the ChildrenAct sought where possible to protect children within a family environment.Thus the act introduced a number of provisions designed to protect children byimproving their home and family environment. The report stressed the need forvarious care agencies to increase inter-communication so as to best determinethe risks posed to a particular child or children and so to most effectuallyprovide the protection from abuse that they required. Sections 27 and 47 of theAct - significantly titled 'Co-operation Between Authorities' and 'LocalAuthority's Duty to Investigate' - sets out the governments demands for closeragency
Bibliography: Booth, M. (1996). Avoiding Delay in Children Act Cases. Routledge& Paul Kegan, London. Hanson, R.K. (1997). What Do We Know About Sex Offender RiskAssessment. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 4. Holder, W & Corey, M. (1986) Child Protective ServicesRisk Management: A Decision Making Handbook. Action for ChildProtection, Charlotte, N.C. Rushton, A. (2003). The Adoption of Looked After Children.Social Care Institute for Excellence, London. Schepard, A. I. (2004) Children,Courts and Custody. Hofstra University, New York. The Children Act (1989), Her Majesty 's Government. The Children Act (2004), Her Majesty 's Government. The Protection of Children Act (1999), Her Majesty 'sGovernment. The Adoption and Children Act (2002), Her Majesty 's Government. The Sex Offenders Act (1997), Her Majesty 's Government.