The current welfare program: Temporary Aid to Needy Families, requires custodial parents applying for benefits to help the government to establish the obligations of paying child support against the parents that are absent, to eventually sue them, and to simultaneously give the government the right to collect those funds from the non-custodial parent, following the regulations. This system of welfare cost recovery is a side of child support that is largely unknown to the public (Ronald B. Mincy). People can easily see that when a trucker’s license is suspended, he cannot work; when a laborer’s wages are garnished at sixty-five percent, he cannot afford to pay his own rent. In a further development, Ronald states that fathers could obtain a new job and then lose it after being incarcerated for contempt because of his child support arrearages, and the relationships between the mothers and fathers, fragile at their beginnings, can be obliterated through the process. As clear as the child support issues could be, the hopes of children to have fathers who are supportive and involved in their lives are often dissolved. A real and deep work needs to be done so that the system stop harming children, fathers, mothers, as well as the government.…