When Imperialism was going on with the Africans they were being enslaved and murdered for their land. A quote is " In hewing out for himself a fixed abode in Africa, the white man has massacred the African in heaps " (The Black Man's Burden, paragraph 1). This is saying because of the Europeans wanted their land they would kill the Africans for it, and show off how much power they have. Another quote is " Thus the African is really helpless against the material gods of the white man, as …show more content…
They treated the Africans like animals that were in cages. A quote is " Our regular time was from 5in the morning to 10 o'clock at night; and on Saturday, till eleven, and often 12 o'clock at night, and then we were sent to clean the machinery on Sunday. ( John Birley "The Ashton Chronicle"). There were better places to work they weren't all bad. The way that the children worked was just a normal part of life for them, they got up got dressed went to work came home slept. Doesn’t mean that the child workers had it better it just means that they were used to it. " A quote to support the claim is they shall, without distinction of creed or nation, protect and favor all religious, scientific, or charitable institutions and undertaking created and organized for the above ends, or which aim at instructing the natives and brining home to them the blessing of civilization" ( The Berlin Conference, paragraph 2). The European's are saying that they don’t have to give up their religion they just HAVE to become civilized. But in there tribe they are civilized that's the way they live, and know