The article was about how a mayo doctor by the name of Roger W. Harms wrote a factsheet on how abortions lead to premature births in pregnacies to follow abortions. Due to the vacuum, spoon, or other instruments used during the surgical procedure of removing the fetus, the cervix and uterus are often damaged. Due to a damaged cervix, premature births are more likely. Studies also show that premature babies have twice the chance of developing cerebral palsy than a baby born at full-term.
This article is biased against abortions. The point of this article was to show the consequences women face when they have an abortion in later pregnancies. In my opinion, this article is reliable since the studies were conducted by a physician from Mayo Clinic, not just an average joe guy trying to get his two cents in.
I would definitely use this article in my research paper. I will use it when I discuss the aftermath of an abortion. Once women perform the abortion, they think that the problem is gone. However, that is not the case. Other articles I have read discuss the depression and psychological affects of an abortion and the toll that has on the women. This article describes physical problems women can face after they have had an abortion. Ertelt, Steven. "Mayo Clinic Doctor Admits Abortions Hurt Women, Cause Premature Births." N.p. 20 Aug. 2009. Web. 8 Oct. 2012.
The article was about how a mayo doctor by the name of Roger W. Harms wrote a factsheet on how abortions lead to premature births in pregnacies to follow abortions. Due to the vacuum, spoon, or other instruments used during the surgical procedure of removing the fetus, the cervix and uterus are often damaged. Due to a damaged cervix, premature births are more likely. Studies also show that premature babies have twice the chance of developing