3.2 Explain the dilemma between the rights and choices of children and young people and health and safety requirements
There is a complicated and tricky dilemma between the rights and the choices that belong to a child or young person linked with the freedom to play, and the health and safety requirements of settings and services. However children and young people should be allowed to experience and explore 'appropriate' risk during their play.
There are four types of hazard/risk that should be considered in play. These include Physical Tangible items, items that can fall, unsafe objects and things that may be tripped over Environmental Water, stairs, tables, chairs. Emotional Trying to make new friends, telling jokes,taking a physical risk in front of others, putting forward own idea. Behavioural Behaving in a way that can cause harm to themselves or others around them.
All children have clear rights to learn and develop into adults, and be protected from harm. Through exploring new experiences and making choices, children learn and develop the skills necessary to support them into their adult life’s, however children do not always have the skills and judgements that allows them to make safe choices and decisions.
Therefore it is the responsibility of parents and carers to identify potential dangers, and make the decision on when it is appropriate to allow the child to undertake an activity or make a choice. At my setting I have the responsibility of encouraging children to make choices to explore and progress their learning and developing skills. Whist ensuring that the activities and situations support the children's individual needs and abilities and that they are in a safe, well controlled environment, so that all children are protected from harm.
This will mean that there are times when I need to intervene on a choice or decision a child