Due to the lack of funding, 13,500 kids a year miss out on what it's like to be a child. Many do not know or care that, Chemotherapy and radiation are very expensive treatments. the Average cancer patient will spend 100,000 a year on treatment, these treatments are so costly due to the research needed to create them. The money patients are paying, is covering the debt the company accumulated while creating, researching, and testing the therapy. In addition to this, the cost is so high due to the demand for the treatments, and the fact that pharmaceutical companies must prophet. Funding is extremely important to the end of childhood cancer. With no funds, families won’t be able to save their children, nor support themselves, awareness won’t be spread, and new technologies can’t be developed. Unaware opposers, may not see the need for donating to fundraisers and charity. However, Not many people know that all childhood cancers combined receive only 3.8% of all money donated for research, treatments, etc. When $100 is donated to cancer, $4 of that is split among the hundreds of different types of childhood cancers. This is simply not enough. Funding, is one of the key aspects needed when eliminating childhood …show more content…
Imagine that one of the only treatments that can save you is crippling your health at the same time. When chemotherapy is pumped through a patient's veins, it takes a toll. Some feel, that merely being alive is worth the pain these children endure. However, cancer treatment causes temporary side effects, as well as many that will be with a child for the rest of their life. New technology and advances can help find a better way to save these children, and ensure no relapse, while decreasing side effects. Research is also needed since pediatric cancer needs to be treated differently than adult cancers due the the anatomy of the children. That being said, much less is known about combating the disease for the children. Due to this, research is needed alongside, awareness, and funding to achieve my