Allie was Holden’s younger brother And he died of leukemia at the age of 11. he was a very smart and nice kid. In green Ink, Allie had written all over the fingers and pockets of the glove. He wrote it on there so he had something to read when he was in the field (Salinger #38). He couldn't even do nothing for the short time of a new batter coming to the plate. Allie was such a smart kid at his age but, if he was still alive then he would have been a genius. He didn't get to explore most of the world. …show more content…
He doesn't want anything adult to enter their brain. He wants them to live in the little world outside of the big real world that all the phonies live in. You never guess what I saw on the wall. Another f*** you, It was written with a red crayon or something right under the glass. that's the trouble, you can't find a place that's nice and peaceful anymore (Salinger #204). He's talking about all the crap he has to see. these kids do not need to be exposed with the words at that age or any. without that word, this world would be a so much better off. I honestly don't know why this world is so cruel it is very hard to live in it sometimes. ((3-13 -17)) It's weird how young kids are when they learn bad words. Holden wants kids to be pure and just act how they are supposed to. Doing dumb things that they don't know is silly or wrong but, now in this society that's how it