As adult, we are usually happy on certain occasions such as when we get increase in salary or get present on our birthday. Anyway, do you still remember what time when we could be happy every day? Many people argue that childhood is time when we could be cheerful every day. Personally, I agree with the statement that childhood is the happiest time of person's life. There are some points to support my opinion.
First of all, children don't have responsibility like adults do. As adult, we have many responsibilities. For example, as a husband and father, we have to provide basic needs for our family such as food, house, education and other needs. For this reason, we are required to work to collect money to meet these necessities. On the other hand, children are not necessary to think and to do this because parents will give all they need.
Another point is there are parents who always take care of children all the time. Parents always keep their eye on their children’s safety. That's why children are not afraid to do anything and to try something new no matter it is dangerous. They don't care about anything they do because they don't know its consequences and they believe that their parents will always save them. For example, we sometimes see children feel happy play with fire even though it is dangerous. In contrast, adult will always consider any impacts if they want to do something because they have to take care themselves and to be responsible for their actions.
Moreover, children expectations are simple and limited compare to adults’. To be happy, children only need friends, toys and place to play. It is different with adults who are always not satisfied with all they have had. They always expect more than all are already in their hands . For example, having a small house is still not enough so that they want a bigger one. Also, after they could buy a car, they also want to buy another car. In career,