In an article published in Scientific American titled "Is Obesity an Addiction?" by Paul J. Kenny,
In an article published in Scientific American titled "Is Obesity an Addiction?" by Paul J. Kenny,
Today’s society has been faced with the never ending problem of obesity. Many would blame this problem of obesity in America to poor genetics, unhealthy eating habits, and even lack of physical fitness. After viewing this paper and reviewing these credible sources the reader will have a better understanding as to why individuals become obese. All sources in this paper have been written, reviewed, and critiqued by credible individuals.…
Kornides, M.L., Kitsantas, P., &Villarruel, A. (2011).Factors associated with obesity in Latino children. Hispanic Health Care International, 9(3).…
Ever curious to why child obesity has increased over the past 30 years? David Zinczenko’s article states that the persuasion of fast food and the lack of wholesome food selections are causing an outbreak of teenage obesity in America today. He argues, because of the issues for society of boosted rates of incidence of Type 2 diabetes, a disease related with obesity. Capturing on his own experiences as a “Mid-1980’s latchkey kid (462) ,” he describes how simple it is for teens to gain weight with a constant diet of fast food meals, Zinczenko seems to be suggesting that there are inflexible limits that a tall person can hold steadily. “I had packed 212 pounds of torpid teenage tallow on my once lanky five foot ten frame”. So, is being “obese” a medical disorder that can be prescribed, or is it based upon cultural factors?…
The United States is facing a growing epidemic of obesity. Obesity affects individuals of any age, gender, or nationality. Diseases increased by obesity are increasing at alarming rates in children and adults. It is thought that children suffering from obesity will not live as long as their parents. Along with health risks in children they have to endure ridicule and teasing from other children at school resulting in psychological problems that can follow them into adulthood (Neighmond, 2010). Americans have a fascination with fast food and consuming too much food in one meal…
Obesity is known to be one of the most public health disorder concerned globally. Some of the factors that impact obesity socially is greater exposure to fast-food advertisements, limited access to physical activity opportunities, and poor individual choices/ lifestyle choices. Furthermore according to the article, sociodemographic (age, race, ethnicity, and language) plays a huge role in obesity. For instance, low-income families are likely to face more challenges and become obese due to not being able to eat healthy. These factors of social impact and individual choices also impact biological reasons. For example, due to an individual’s choice of living and…
An epidemic is sweeping the nation; obesity in the country has skyrocketed over the past decades. Corporations are capturing the minds of Americans younger so that they will grow into the habit of unhealthy eating. Quick solutions for dinner are being chosen over healthy foods. Americans are surrounded by this problem and it must be stopped! Childhood obesity is out of control. “Half a dozen little kids are standing in line at McDonald’s. Four are clearly overweight.” (Engber), this is unacceptable. Americans are becoming fatter and fatter due to outside unhealthy influences that are present in the environment.…
America: land of the free and the home of the brave, and recently, the home to a growing waistline. As for any other country, America is prone to an assortment of problems like immigration, debt, or foreign affairs, but one issue that is rather hard to overlook, quite literally, is the obesity epidemic. The extra pounds have become a common sight in America’s society, “men are now on average seventeen pounds heavier than they were in the late seventies, and for women that figure is even higher: nineteen pounds.” (Kolbert). Obesity does not just affect adults in this way either, the child population has been getting bigger as well, according to the numbers on the scale, “the proportion of overweight children, age six to eleven, has more than doubled, while the proportion of overweight adolescents, age twelve to nineteen, has more than tripled.” (Kolbert). This issue has been a major concern to doctors and scientists for decades and in recent years, has even has the American Medical Association recognizing obesity to be a disease (Pollack). That is a highly debatable claim because obesity itself is a preventable lifestyle, avoidable and curable to all (or at least most) of its sufferers. For some of the populaces, obesity is not a choice, rather genetics, but for the majority of the obese population, the extra weight is caused by an unhealthy diet and sluggish lifestyle, and for these certain individuals, through a lot of work and discipline, the return to a healthy lifestyle is not as impossible as it may appear. It is time for America to tip the scales back in the right direction.…
Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic. However many aspects need to be considered in order to help any child who is overweight. Children that are overweight need to be assessed to determine if the weight problem is due to psychological issues, or lack of nutrition and physical activity. Once the causing factor is determined the proper steps can be taken to help the child and the family to live a healthy happy life.…
Health care organizations in partnership with government agencies admit that the obesity epidemic in America is out of control and requires intervention to address causes for obesity, and solutions to correct this problem. The obesity epidemic in America raises health concerns for citizens suffering from obesity because unhealthy body weight causes other health problems. Health care providers believe that community and environmental factors causes people to eat unhealthy foods, which place those individuals at risk for chronic health conditions. Many people believe that “Obesity is almost always due to a combination of genetic predisposition, lifestyle, and environment” (Arial, Newell, Silvey, & Zlot, 2007, p. 1). Health problems associated with obesity include high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, heart disease, depression, asthma, and high cholesterol. The consequences of obesity lead to chronic health conditions, and premature death, which reduces the quality of life for some obese people. The media, health care providers, and the government awareness actions raise attention to the epidemic by informing the public of obesity problems via television, e-mail, and billboard advertisements. Health care providers offer health/wellness programs to encourage parents to join the battle against childhood obesity, adult obesity. The design of intervention exists to eliminate and resolve problems, however; “The intensity of interventions required to treat obesity is likely to vary among individuals” (Arial, Newell, Silvey, & Zlot, 2007, p. 1).…
Currently, one of the most talked about issues in health and nutrition is the obesity crisis in America, specifically the rapidly increasing rates of obesity. Is the obesity epidemic currently plaguing America being caused by Socioeconomic status (SES) and increasing poverty rates, or are parental/family influences to include lack of proper portioning/nutrition, sedentary lifestyle and family dynamic/conflict the root of the issue? From 1976 to 2004 obesity rates in children between the ages of 12 to 19 escalated from 5 percent up to 16.5 percent (Hooper et al. 309)! These statistics are of great concern in regards to the health implications alone, but when coupled with the financial strain obesity brings upon the government and taxpayers,…
In the United States today, obesity has become an enormous problem. In the last 3decades, the number of people overweight has increased dramatically. A study done by theCenters of Disease Control showed that since 1980, one third of our adult population has becomeoverweight. America is the richest but also the fattest nation in the world, and our obese backsides are the butt of jokes in every other country (Klein 28). The 1980s were a time whenAmericans suddenly started going crazy over dieting, jumping onto the treadmills, and buying prepackaged non-fat foods. However, while all of that was going on, the number of obeseAmericans began to increase. According to a report in the Journal of the American MedicalAssociation, 58 million people in our country weigh over 20 percent of their body’s ideal weight.The article “Fat Times” states, “If this were about tuberculosis, it would be called an epidemic”(Elmer-Dewit 58). The eating habits of society have steadily become more harmful and havestarted to produce gluttonous children, over-indulgent adults, and a food industry set too muchon satisfying our appetites.Obesity can begin at a very young age. Many children in our society are overweight,setting themselves up for serious health problems later in life. Type 2 diabetes, high bloodcholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart problems are just some of the risks. Children who areoverweight also tend to feel less secure, less happy, and be stressed more than normal weight…
Obesity in America is on the rise now, with 72-million people contributing to this new “epidemic.” People need to start taking care of their bodies or they could possibly lose their lives to the leading cause of death in America—heart disease. Believe it or not, this epidemic isn’t just effecting the human population. Twenty-five percent of cats and dogs are now heavier than they should be. With excess weight usually comes many kinds of physiological, behavioral, social, environmental and economic problems. Childhood obesity rates have nearly tripled since the 1980’s, and current research shows that almost one-third of children over two years of age are already overweight or obese ("Obesity In America: What 's Driving The Epidemic."). To put a stop to this epidemic, we need a solution that goes far beyond simply eating less. This obesity epidemic is responsible for more than one hundred sixty-thousand additional deaths each year in America now. Currently, 72% of men and 63% of women are overweight (White).…
America now, compared to many years ago, has had a significant increase in obesity. “Overall, 38 percent of U.S. adults are obese and 17 percent of teenagers are” (Fox, 2016, para. 3). Obesity is when an individual’s body mass index (BMI),…
Are you aware that one out of every five (5) children in the United States considered either overweight or obese (BusinessWeek, 2005)? Alternatively, those on average of one in every three adults are also considered obese (Mayo Clinic, 1998-2009)? Obesity has risen dramatically and at an alarming rate within the past few decades, almost tripling since the 1960’s. An average of 25 to 30% of children are affected by obesity and overweight each year and yet, this condition remains to be under diagnosed and untreated (Moran, 1999). In order to reverse this devastating epidemic one must better understand the causes, affects, and the ways of preventing obesity before it is too late. Obesity can and should be prevented to better the lives of our, children and, ourselves; obesity not only affects ones health but mental and physical well-being as well.…
As so often happens, many people in the world face obesity problems. Obesity is a…