National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web.
This article focuses on several different types of children who has been subject to psychological trauma. Their studies use the nervous and endocrine system to understand the long effects of each system. By using, a child who has had severe abuse and neglect in their lives. The study can observe the change in the nervous and endocrine system. They find that in their research children who have a higher number of histories involving trauma is more likely to behave violently than those who has not had such histories. The research looked at a child who has been severely neglected …show more content…
In this article, it studies the abnormal amygdala function. The article explores eight high- functioning subject with four different experiments: (1) Discriminating the intensity of facial emotion, (2) Recognition of Basic Emotions from Facial Expressions, (3) Social Judgment of the Faces and, (4) Social Judgement from Lexical Stimuli. The first experiment focuses on the male without any visuoperceptual impairments in processing faces. The second focus on the normal rating to the facial expression of happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, sadness, and fear. The third experiment gathered the information from the first and second experiment and separated into two parts 50 stimuli negative and 50 stimuli positive rating. The final experiment was given adjective that describes personality attributes. The article stated that the result suggests that amygdala dysfunction in autism might contribute to an impaired ability to link visual perception of socially relevant stimuli with retrieval of social knowledge and with elicitation of social …show more content…
Studies on the stability of antisocial and delinquent behavior are reviewed, showing that children who initially display high rates of antisocial behavior are more likely to persist in this behavior than children who initially show lower rates of antisocial behavior. It have been proven chronic delinquents compared to non chronic delinquent are more likely to antisocial behaviors in more than one setting. These children have displayed higher variety of antisocial behavior. Most of these have early onset of such behaviors. When the level of antisocial behaviors are high, the youth may maintain these levels rather than revert to lower levels of that behavior. The patterns of antisocial behavior tend to change during preteen and teen ages. Children that engage in antisocial behaviors tend to declines between the ages of 6 to 16. Whereas in that period the number of youth who engage in covert antisocial acts increases. Research discussed early identification of chronic offender may stabilize this behavior to help decrease negative