Indian English Children’s Literature:
The Context of Salman Rushdie,
Ruskin Bond and Arup Kumar Dutta
Rizia Begum Laskar
M.D.K. Girls’ College, Assam, India
Indian English children’s literature as a distinct branch of literature struggled to find its footing in India. The struggle is interconnected to the problem of the English language itself and the dominance of western children’s literature in India. At the same time, the publishing scenario plays a significant role in the development of the literature. Prominent authors like
Rushdie have taken up the cudgels of bringing this literature to the forefront and focus on the realization and reflection of India in their works. The concept of Indianness forms an integral part of the probe that these authors put up in their works and how the idea of India immerses and emerges in their works forms the basis of this paper.
Keywords: Children’s literature, Indian English, Publishing Scenario, India
BARNOLIPI - An Interdisciplinary Journal - Volume - II. Issue – III. ISSN 2249 –2666 © REFLECTION Mentoring Services
Anything concerned with Indian English, be it children’s literature or any other literature, has to trace its origin to the beginning of Indian English writings in the country. At this juncture it would be appropriate to call it simply English since the Indianization took place much later. The roots of
English in India have its origin in the days of the missionaries, then came
Macaulay’s Minute and Bentick’s subsequent educational policy. The establishment of various schools and colleges and educational reforms added to the momentum English was gathering as a language in India. By 1917,
English has almost won the race against the classical and modern languages.
Initially, it was more a language of the elite rather than the common masses and only the affluent upper class Indians were the ones who had access to
Bibliography: of English Language Books. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1991. Pinset. Shenstone: Pied Piper, 2005. 25-29. Black, 2003. 92-102. Navin Menon and Bhavana Nair. New Delhi: CBT, 1999. 259-267. Beverly Lyon Clark and Margaret R. Higonnet. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1999. 97111 About the Author –