We are aware that the world is changing, right? Consequently, we do not usually notice the essential reasons or causes why it changes. We tend to advert at the effect or the change. It’s like a “delta” in most sciences, which means “change” in Greek language. Since we are currently living in another generation -after the Baroque, Classic, Romantic Periods- or the 21st century, we can’t seem to forget and compare the difference between the past and in the present. We compare what “before” people implement and what “after” people did. It is somehow can be done in mathematics; we subtract the total advancements from the era before from the total advancements from the latter era. The “difference” would reach thousands, which was estimated. It’s like: advancements from the present – advancements from the past = estimated 1,000+.
Optimistically, we have a lot of innovations from the technological society today. In life, we have five things to consider: food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and communication. We can name hundreds of upgrades from those things. Food, for its new preservatives; Shelter, with logical security cameras and lock; Clothing, artificial and improved synthetic fiber was used; Transportation, electric cars and motors; Communication, cellular phones with touch pads. Those are one of the examples which have continued our existence in life. These are the things used for the betterment of the country’s economy, industry and public relations. These were the products of the young people’s ideas from the past which were brought into reality.
Let us try and avoid committing such unimaginable things. Sometimes, we have to think whether things are done wrongly or rightly. We have consciences we don’t come up and realize. We are not the hope of the community but the reason for the community. It is in our hands to decide whether we let this “chaos” destroy our stepping stone and prove to the world that we are the GOOD REASON of the community’s improvement.