Introduction: Today people can find almost any information by using the Internet, which is full of different materials. Among web-resources, there are many web-sites and web-pages, which were made for children. Thus children became active internet-users as well and they can easily visit those web-sites. The problem is that at the same time children also have easy access to adult content like pornography.
Hook: This access causes particular dangers like psychological problems and wrong understanding of sex for young ones.
Thesis statement: …the problem can be solved by using content-filtering software, limiting access to pornography by internet service providers or government and strict parental control.
Background: Statistics about children having access to pornography. The expert’s opinion about the problem.
First solution: Usage of content-filtering software. Advantage: Effectiveness and simplicity of such type of software Disadvantage: It can be bypassed by circumventing software.
Second Solution: Limitation of access to pornography and prohibitions on the governmental basis. Advantage: Scales of limitation. Disadvantage: Limitations and prohibitions also can be bypassed.
Third solution: Strict parental control and supervision. Advantage: Children are more protected under the parental supervision. Disadvantage: It’s not guaranteed that children and their parents have trustful relationships.
Conclusion: There’s no completely effective way to solve the problem. (Plus my own opinion)
Today people can find almost any information by using the Internet, which is full of different materials. Among web-resources, there are many web-sites and web-pages, which were made for children. Thus children became active internet-users as well and they can easily visit those web-sites. The problem is that at the same time children also have easy access to adult content like pornography. This access causes particular dangers like
References: Anderson, D. (2012, November 29). Splinternet Behind the Great Firewall of China. Association for Computing Machinery. Retrieved from Barcelona, N. S. (2009, May 30) Porn Market in Philippines Rakes in $1B Annually. Bulatlat. Retrieved from Behr, R. (2013, March 15). Generation X-Rated. New Statesman, 142(5149). 28-31. Retrieved from Burt, D. (2007). Filters. Retrieved from Dowshen, S. (2011, June). Internet Safety. Kids Health. Retrieved from Duke, R. B. (2010, June 15). ‘Epidemic’ growth of Net porn cited. The Washington Times. Retrieved from The Washington Times website. Gardner, F. (2000, May 10). Saudis “Defeating” Internet Porn. BBC. Retrieved from McAfee, Inc. (2008). McAfee, Inc. Research Reveals Mothers Rate Cyber Dangers as High as Drunk Driving or Experimenting With Drugs. Retrieved from Parrot, S.(2013, July 22) UK Porn Ban: Prime Minister Declares War on Adult Content. WebProNews. Retrieved from Pornography statistics (2005, December 15). Family Safe Media. Retrieved from