Children in unstable living conditions are less likely to receive medical health treatment.
Therefore they are less likely to have proper immunizations that will protect against illness. This is due to the likelihood of a child from emotional unstable home to have negative relationship with their caregiver. Therefore making it less likely for the child to receive proper medical treatment. One of which would include proper immunizations; which help lower levels of illness. Also Children who do not have stable living conditions are more likely to suffer from mental disorders in the future. Some disorders being attachment disorders and anxiety. This is because if a child does not receive proper care they will not be taught the social skills to grow relationships with
Children who have been in highly unstable conditions are also more likely to experience developmental issues. (Harden , B. J.) Some of these development issues are a results of neglect, maltreatment and inadequate parenting. Children who have had unstable living conditions are less likely to be able to adapt to emotions at an more appropriate level than children who haven't suffered from traumatic situations. Children exposed to trauma suffer from shifts in hormonal levels and changes in the neurotransmitter on a psychological level. All of which leads to lack of focus, memory, learning capabilities, and self control.
If a child's emotions are disregarded they doubt if their emotions are important or valid. This can lead a child to experience poor coping skills new situations where they must communicate issues or topics. For instance, when a child goes through a traumatic experience during adolescence they might not understand how to properly communicate their feelings. This could lead to attitude problems and emotional outburst at unnecessary times. All of which is a direct result of disregarded feelings from childhood.
Children learn how to react in situations based off of how their caregiver interacted with people throughout their life. Children feed off of their guardians emotions. Therefore, if a child’s guardian was lacking in emotional knowledge the child is more likely to lack proper coping skills. For example, if a child’s parent is uncomfortable with feelings and behaves in an discombobulated manner around feelings the child then adapts to be uncomfortable with feelings as well. Then when the child is dealing with it’s own feelings it might feel that it is abnormal to have these feelings and push them down, giving poor coping skills.
Although people can make a life for themselves everyone has to deal with the shadows of their past at some point. It has been scientifically proven that childhood life has a direct impact on livelihood as an adult.(insert citation) If a child does not have emotional stability it will be hard for the child to transition into adulthood. This is because childhood lays down the ground of who we are as a person and if a childhood was emotionally unstable it has lasting negative effects on that kid. This is why it is important for every child to have the opportunity to grow in a positive environment. We as American’s want the best outcome for our kids and therefore we should strive to achieve emotional stability amongst all children. It has been beautifully stated by Ed Markey “Although they might be only 24 percent of our population they are 100 percent of our future.” Therefore we should strive to give them the best opportunity for their mental health.