The children of the 18th and 19th centuries (1750s to 1850s), during the Industrial Revolution in Britain, endured harsh times. They had to sacrifice their childhood to work and earn money for their family. The lives of these children of farm labourers and the working class didn't improve during the Industrial Revolution. There were many benefits for these children, such as Laws, Leisure, Sports and Education. There were also many problems and dreadful effects of the Industrial Revolution which affected the children greatly. The benefits however, didn't take place until after the Industrial Revolution (not during), despite the fact that they were long term.
The Industrial Revolution in Great Britain occurred for approximately a century, from 1750 to 1850. This was a period where great changes took place, over a fairly short space of time. Britain was the world's first industrial nation, and this revolution made it the wealthiest and most powerful country. The population grew dramatically and following the agricultural revolution and the domestic system (Moss, 1968), most families sought work in the city, in mines and textile factories, which is seen in Source 1 (in the Appendices).
Children before the Industrial Revolution lived in feudal manors in the country. The living and working conditions were much more liberated than in the factory system. Though it still was harsh and labour intensive, this was the case throughout all parts of the Industrial Revolution. The food relied on each season, and a bad season was equivalent to famine and starvation. However, in the villages, the children had the freedom of outdoors, with no pollution and the opportunity to exercise while helping their parents and moving from field to field. They also didn't have extremely long working hours, and received the right amount of sunlight for their health. (Refer to Source