Cited: Adler P., Lesser, Meringoff, Robertson, Rossiter, and Ward. The Effects of Television Advertising on Children: Lexington Books: Toronto, 1981. Adler, Richard P. and all. Research on the Effects of Television on Children. Publisher: unknown. Barcus, F. Earle Children 's Television: An Analysis of Programming and Advertising: Praeger Publishers, NY, NY 1977 Batra, Myers, Aaker. Advertising management. New Jersey: Prentice hall, 1996. Boudreaux , Donald. "Puffery in advertising" The Freemarket Newsletter Feb/March 1995 Lyle, Parker, and Schramm Inc. Television in the lives of our Children: Standford University Press: Standford, 1961. McNeal, James U. Children as Consumers. Canada: D.C. Hearth and Company, 1987 Phillips, Jr. John L. The Origins of Intellect Piaget 's Theory: W.H. Freeman 1969 Poussaint Alvin, M.D. and Susan Linn, Ed.D. Surviving Television Advertising. Posted 2000. Accessed 11/7/2000.,1120,1-1528,00.html?email*/A Somerset-Ward, Richard. The Public and Broadcasting. The Digital Beat. Vol. 1 No.10 June1 999. Spencer Mima. What Do Parents Need To Know About Children 's Television Viewing? Posted 3/30/1999. Accessed 11/7/2000. Stewart, David W Effective Television Programming: D.C. Heath and Company, NY, NY 1986 Ulanoff, StanleyM. Advertising in America. New York: Hastings House, 1977 Wackman, Ward, and Wartella, Ing. How Children Learn to Buy: Sage: London, 1977. Program Content advertising to children on T.V. Advertising Law resource center Better Business Beurau – CARU CTS children 's television advertising standards,htm Cederal Trade commission, Consumer affairs in advertising Better Business Bureaus, Inc. A Practical Guide for Parents: Advertising, Nutrition and Kids. Posted 1993. Accessed 11/7/2000. FCC and Broadcasting. Consumer Information Bureau.
Cited: Adler P., Lesser, Meringoff, Robertson, Rossiter, and Ward. The Effects of Television Advertising on Children: Lexington Books: Toronto, 1981. Adler, Richard P. and all. Research on the Effects of Television on Children. Publisher: unknown. Barcus, F. Earle Children 's Television: An Analysis of Programming and Advertising: Praeger Publishers, NY, NY 1977 Batra, Myers, Aaker. Advertising management. New Jersey: Prentice hall, 1996. Boudreaux , Donald. "Puffery in advertising" The Freemarket Newsletter Feb/March 1995 Lyle, Parker, and Schramm Inc. Television in the lives of our Children: Standford University Press: Standford, 1961. McNeal, James U. Children as Consumers. Canada: D.C. Hearth and Company, 1987 Phillips, Jr. John L. The Origins of Intellect Piaget 's Theory: W.H. Freeman 1969 Poussaint Alvin, M.D. and Susan Linn, Ed.D. Surviving Television Advertising. Posted 2000. Accessed 11/7/2000.,1120,1-1528,00.html?email*/A Somerset-Ward, Richard. The Public and Broadcasting. The Digital Beat. Vol. 1 No.10 June1 999. Spencer Mima. What Do Parents Need To Know About Children 's Television Viewing? Posted 3/30/1999. Accessed 11/7/2000. Stewart, David W Effective Television Programming: D.C. Heath and Company, NY, NY 1986 Ulanoff, StanleyM. Advertising in America. New York: Hastings House, 1977 Wackman, Ward, and Wartella, Ing. How Children Learn to Buy: Sage: London, 1977. Program Content advertising to children on T.V. Advertising Law resource center Better Business Beurau – CARU CTS children 's television advertising standards,htm Cederal Trade commission, Consumer affairs in advertising Better Business Bureaus, Inc. A Practical Guide for Parents: Advertising, Nutrition and Kids. Posted 1993. Accessed 11/7/2000. FCC and Broadcasting. Consumer Information Bureau.