Kids today have challenges they face that are similar to those teenagers in the 1980's. Similar but different. Peer pressure is still the biggest challenge everyone faces. The idea of experimenting on things like alcohol, drugs, and sex has not disappeared and undoubtedly will remain to be part of the scene. In the early 80's one may have had unprotected sex and perhaps at the worst case scenario, had to find a cure for genital warts. Genital warts may have been an unsightly rite of passage then but these days, having unprotected sex with countless partners is a deadly risk. The contraction of HIV is a clear and present danger that if abstinence cannot be prevented, then the use of protective measures like a condom is the wise choice. Anything else may have fatal consequences. The presence of alcohol and underage drinking is still there. Tougher laws against Driving under the Influence or DUI under sanction of a conviction and a permanent record have perhaps minimized teen alcohol drinking and driving but it is impossible to eliminate that situation. Is it working? In some states like California, it has and this is a good sign. A life saved is worth every dollar spent.
It is also that this teenage society is growing up when information is easily accessed. They have all the tools and skill sets available to learn about Information Technology and Computers. The prevalence of computer games have added new skills to this generation and even new professions as there are a rise of professional online gamers whose occupation is to compete in national and international contests which feature teams of gamers competing in several types of computer games, head to head, against other teams as well. It is beneficial to the computer game industry and the computer industry as well. These days, the games are becoming so realistic and filled with graphics that are not just rich and almost real, but responsive and alluring to their intended market.