Tina Dillard
English 101 Instructor: Linda Lyle
December 17, 2013
When there are no rules, children cannot learn the appropriate way to behave. When there is no structure, children cannot develop security or the ability to master self-discipline. When structure and rules are present daily this tends to provides children the necessary assistance that will aid them in growing up to be responsible, realistic and well-behaved individuals within society. These are a few detailed reasons as to why it is vitally important to provide young children with structure and rules. As parents, it is our job to teach our children how to behave, to demonstrate how and what they should learn, and offer them with a “sense of confidence and security.” Without rules and structure, it becomes virtually impossible to provide the necessary discipline that is needed within a child’s life.
Knowing the importance of safety and security according to, “Dr. Laura Markham, a psychologist, and owner of the Aha! Parenting website, young children need structure to feel safe and secure.” A scheduled routine teaches children that they are safe, and that you are there to care for them. Additionally, it also teaches them the art of mastering their own lives and schedules as they grow. Without structure, your child is left with the unknown, which is scary for kids. Not knowing what to expect day to day can cause your child to develop fear and uncertainty, and it can prevent them from learning to create their own structure and routine.
Child that lack structure is more likely to experience a greater number of power struggle. For example, when your child has a routine, the tasks that child needs to perform at a schedule time each day so that it will become automatic, like making their bed daily. If you don’t establish this type of structure for your child, may create the need for your child become defiant by refusing to take care of their own basic