The key elements of Patient Safety Initiative were followed by three steps, the first step was presentations that she conducted to the hospital staff about the national research and medical errors. The second step was focus groups that focused on the patient safety issues at Children’s Hospitals and Clinics. The third step was to make the initiative more strategic by developing it. Morath wanted to create a culture where she had the concept of “do not harm” was clearly developed rather than expressly stated. She wanted to focus her culture based on collaboration among others and operations around the science and sense of safety. When she came into Children’s and clinic, her main objective was making safety the top priority. According to exhibit 10, you can see that the safety reports have been steady improving since she got hired.
One of the key elements of Patient Safety Initiative was to transform the organizational culture in order to provide an environment that would be able to discuss medical accidents in a proper manner. She wanted to embrace a culture that welcoms communication about safety issues. She enforces the idea of learning from past mistakes rather then pointing fingers whenever there